I coach, facilitate, train, speak and bring my skills, experience, clarity & empathy to your needs in these areas:
⏩ Career management ( for better fulfillment, growth and financial stability) from entry-level to C-Suite.
⏩ Change Management
⏩ Design of experiential learning solutions
⏩ Youth/graduate/community upskilling for employability and entrepreneurship
⏩ Courageous Conversations for performance and conflict management
⏩ Talent development
⏩ Personal branding
⏩ Organizational effectiveness
I help my clients to find clarity, happiness, and fulfillment in their career journey – either you are a fresh graduate or a C-level – everyone deserves happiness and fulfillment in their career. You may be at an early stage of entering the world of work as a fresh graduate, as middle manager finding your next footing, repositioning to a new role, retrenched, or a CEO looking for impact alignment with your core values.
Resizing? Talk to us on: C.A.R.E. Program (Compassion, Appreciation, Respect, Esteem) Career Management and Outplacement Services
In 2018, I was named as the top 43 inspirational LinkedIn icons in Malaysia to follow by Marketing In Asia online magazine. And, once again, this year in 2019. I co-founded and currently manage an HR and management consulting firm, Dragonfire Corporate Solutions Sdn Bhd and Dragonfire Academy, a lifelong learning center. We are passionate to help others to be more employable and find their footings by increasing their economic conditions.
The successes of my past clients have been contributed to their will to see changes within their lives and the lives of others.
I am a certified PSMB/HRDF Trainer, certified Stratpad Business Coach, Associate- Emergenetics and Assessor/Internal Verifier, Pearson BTEC L5 Qualification in Business. I am currently a member of the Industry Advisory Board of Monash University School of Business and sit on Dragon Panels that provide practical, real-world project feedback to graduating marketing students. I am also Taylor’s Business School (TBS) Industry Advisory Panel (IAP).
To your career success
Follow me here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haniezarazaif/
Read about career conversations here: http://hanie.dragonfire.com.my/
Book for my session via DM or email: info@dragonfire.com.my
#Haniesays #careerconversations #topvoicesmalaysia #Dragonfire_MY
Named as the top 43 inspirational LinkedIn icons in Malaysia to follow by Marketing In Asia online magazine. (2018) . One of the Co Founders of Top Voices Malaysia, a group of 50 most influential people on LinkedIn Malaysia.
Utilizing my background in OD and L&D, I have been involved in several change management initiatives within the PLCs and public sectors in Malaysia. With a highly-skilled team of IR experts and psychologists, I am also working with several organizations and private clients to support their career management activities.
I am familiar with the use of various psychometric and assessment tools such as Emergenetics, ESP (Emergenetics Selection Program), MBTI, DISC, Hogan Assessments, The Birkman Method, and Holland Codes (RIASEC) among others to support the various needs of clients.
• Certified StratPad Business Coach
• Certified Emergenetics Associate & Consultant
• Certified Pearson BTEC Level 5 Qualification in Business Assessor and Internal Verifier
• Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching , Global Leadership Assessment (GLA360) professional, (current)
• Master in Business Administration, double accreditation from MAHSA University and Anglia Ruskin University of UK, (current)
Membership/Community Volunteerism

• Industry Advisory Board, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia
• Industry Advisory Panel, Taylor’s Business School, Taylor’s University
• Industry External Course Review Panel, Monash University Malaysia
• Industry Dragon Panel, School of Business, Monash University Malaysia
• Mentor, APEC Women in Transportation, Ministry of Transport, Malaysia
• Panelist/Mentor, LinkedIn Local Malaysia
• Chairman, Resident Association, Bandar Seri Coalfields 2017-2018

• Executive Director & General Manager, Dragonfire Corporate Solutions Sdn Bhd
• Co-Founder, Dragonfire Academy
• Adjunct Lecturer, University Technology Petronas
Connect with her On LinkedIn